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Customer support

Information check in/out

Information check in/out

Thank you for booking with BTFL Living! We hope you will have an enjoyable stay. This page contains the information on checking in and out. Such as the instruction on how to open the (front) door and access the suites.

Check your email.

You have received a message by e-mail with an access link for access to the accommodation 'Gulde Haze' and your suite. Please check your spam/junk email just to be sure!

- Checking in from 3 p.m.
- Checking out before 11 a.m. (this link will confirm that).

The link works like this: When you are standing in front of the front door, open the link and slide the bar of the front door to the right, the door will then be unlocked so that you can enter.

Shortcut to:
- Instructions opening front door
- The door won't open
- Access to the suites
- Leaving the accommodation

The door won't open

Does the door not open yet? You may be too early at your suite.
You will see this message if you do not have access yet.

Access to the suites

To open the suite door, swipe right. The door will now be unlocked. You can hear this clearly too. Then you can gently push the door open.
Uitleg toegang suites

Leave the property

To go outside follow the instructions below:
1. Press the red button on the right side (next to the white box).
2. Pull (after pressing the red button) on the door handle, marked 'PULL'.
Note: Please DO NOT touch the old door lock lever

Can we help you with your reservation?

Do you have a question about renting one of our suites, apartments or businessrooms? Or do you need help finding the right accommodation?
Our team will be happy to help you make your stay the way you want it. Enter your details below and we will call you back as soon as possible.

Copyright © 2025 BTFL Living. All rights reserved.
Website: YZCommunicatie
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